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Boston Whaler Sport 130

I purchased my Boston Whaler almost as a joke off Craigs List.  The boat is a demonstration hull Boston Whaler company gave to dealers to cut in half to demonstrate how it's made and that it is unsinkable. The person I bought the boat from had purchased it many years ago from a dealer, with the intention of rejoining the hull, but never got to it so it sat in their workshop until they decided to sell it to me for $300.  With guidance of other Maine fishermen and a boat builder from Alaska I rejoined both halves of the hull and now commercially fish from it.  It is powered by a 1996 Tohatsu 25hp long shaft outboard with tiller controls.  In the spring of 2023 I added a grab bar for added safety and to keep the deck as open as possible.

Original posting of my boat on Craigslit

The asking price for the hull was $500 but I offered $300 and it was accepted.

Since 1999 the 13' Boston Whalers have a dry weight of 600lbs.  300lbs more than the classic Whalers.  This required me to use a chain hoist to flip the hull.

Me hoisting hull for placement on jig
Boston Whaler hull rejoined

The hull was reattached using multiple layers of polyester glass and resin as Boston Whaler hulls are.

Once the bottom outside was glassed and faired, it was time to gel coat.  Unfortunately I could not justify the cost of getting the exact tint for this hull, since I knew I would be fishing with it, so I used the closest premix gel coat I could find.

Boston Whaler hull with new gelcoat
Boston Whaler turned upright after rejoining

After flipping the newly joined hull I was also able to glass the bottom of the hull from the inside before refoaming, then glassing the topside. It was also gel coated, and I added rails.  The boat is as rigid and solid as the day Boston Whaler company manufactured it.

Boston Whaler being launched in South Thomaston public landing
First sea trials on Boston Whaler
Me enjoying my newly rebuilt Boston Whaler Sport 130

Launching the Whaler at the public landing in South Thomaston on the Weskeag River, then taking her out for the maiden voyage was a spectacular day I'll never forget.  In case your wondering, I wrote to Boston Whaler telling them what I was doing and they called me back.  I had a great conversation with the rep and he provided a lot of great information on this hull, and wished me luck!

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